The Karlovac City Museum’s catalogue for the exhibition ‘Gledam dodirom’ (‘Seeing through Touch’) won 3rd prize in the category of Design of Social Innovations at the 2021 Zagreb Design Week. My English translation is featured in this bilingual edition. The designers are Rašić+Vrabec and the authors are Lana Bede and Tanja Parlov.

As a consequence of the award the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media has purchased copies of the catalogue to be distributed and made available to borrow in libraries throughout the country 🙂
“The catalogue accompanies the inclusive internationally awarded exhibition ‘Gledam dodirom’ (‘Seeing by Touch’). The author’s texts offer a new perspective on fine arts, considering the high cognitive value of the sense of touch in the context of art education and the creation and perception of works of fine art. The emphasis is on the irreplaceable role of the sense of touch in the perception of visually impaired people. The catalogue analyses and valorizes the artistic creativity of visually impaired children. The value of the catalogue is also the text about the creation of the inclusive exhibition by Rašić + Vrabec who are a world-renowned design studio from Zagreb. They specialise in spatial exhibition design and branding, and approach each project holistically, environmentally and socially responsibly.”