Eco active holidays on the island of Cres – video

Experience the beauty and heritage of the Croatian islands of Cres and Lošinj.
Recover from the stress of modern life by living a traditional way of life and activities on the islands. Would you like to be islanders for a couple of days and get to know the life of the people who live here? We offer activities such as: shepherding, olive picking, fishing, hiking, walking and dry stone walling, or explore the islands on mountain bikes.

Visit Secrets of Cres / Tajne Cresa:

eco-holidays on the island of Cres – website design and translations

Secrets of Cres – website design.
Specially tailored eco-tourist holidays. Walking, cycling, climbing, day trips and more to experience the beautiful nature and heritage of the Cres and Lošinj islands. Apartment accommodation and airport transfers also available.

Doživite prirodnu ljepotu i baštinu otoka Cresa i Lošinja. Organiziramo cjelodnevne i poludnevne izlete i posjete napuštenim selima i crkvicama na Tramuntani (Beli), na Pernatu (Lubenice), Punta Križi, penjanje na Osoršćicu, i istraživanje otoka biciklima.