Eko-centar Caput Insulae entrance tickets – design

Graphic design of entrance tickets for the interpretation centre at Eko-centar Caput Insulae Beli on the island of Cres. This was a complex piece of design work involving perfing, consecutive security in-line numbering with overall and spot UV lamination.

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Griffon vultures of Cres comic strip

From the original black and white pen drawings by artist Roberto Guglielmi and text by author Vesna Radek I prepared this lovely comic strip children’s guide to the life cycle of the Eurasian Griffon (white headed griffon, bjeloglavi sup, Gyps fulvus).

Firstly I had to scan every single original black and white line drawing, clean them and then choose a colour scheme for the whole book which I then used to colourize every part of each image. Next I had to add the speech bubbles using the author’s text. This was a very exhausting and time consuming piece of work. The Croatian language version was printed and published. I also translated text into English but this version was not printed, nevertheless you can view copy of this version below.
The final booklet is a real labour of love.

This project was produced for Eko-centar Caput-Insulae Beli, on the island of Cres –  www.supovi.hr

Here are two pages from the book.

griffon vulture comic stripOne of Roberto Guglielmi’s original black and white pen drawings.

Here is the English language version in full, which I translated but was never published.

[flipgorilla flipbook=’1′]

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