Rijeka – Port of Diversity monography

A new monography Rijeka Luka različitosti / Fiume Porto della diversità / Rijeka Port of Diversity that highlights the diversity of the city of Rijeka – European Capital of Culture 2020. A trilingual edition with Croatian text by Edi Jurković, my English translation and Italian translation by Ivo Vidotto, edited by Dragan Ogurlić, it has 232 pages with over 300 excellent photographs covering life, work, people, culture, sport, entertainment, science, innovation, health, history and much more in the city.

With its stunning photography by the city’s leading photographers and easy to read texts covering all aspects of Rijeka this is a superb edition to the European Capital of Culture 2020 celebration and I am proud to have been the English translator.

ISBN 978-953-8180-11-8
Available from Val Publishing here

pic c/o Val Publishing


Ivo Kalina – monograph

Ivo Kalina – monograph translation

I am honoured to have been involved in the translation of this monograph of the famous Croatian artist Ivo Kalina (1925-1995). It is lavishly illustrated with his works of art from all periods of his life. The texts were written by Berislav Valušek, Ervin Dubrović and Milan Bešlić.
The monograph accompanies the retrospective exhibition of his work being shown in Volosko at Galerije Gal http://www.galerijagal.hr/

More info


Published by Hrvatski muzej turizma – HRMT (The Croatian Museum of Tourism), Opatija, 2018
372 pages
ISBN: 978-953-7601-65-2