Griffon vultures of Cres comic strip

From the original black and white pen drawings by artist Roberto Guglielmi and text by author Vesna Radek I prepared this lovely comic strip children’s guide to the life cycle of the Eurasian Griffon (white headed griffon, bjeloglavi sup, Gyps fulvus).

Firstly I had to scan every single original black and white line drawing, clean them and then choose a colour scheme for the whole book which I then used to colourize every part of each image. Next I had to add the speech bubbles using the author’s text. This was a very exhausting and time consuming piece of work. The Croatian language version was printed and published. I also translated text into English but this version was not printed, nevertheless you can view copy of this version below.
The final booklet is a real labour of love.

This project was produced for Eko-centar Caput-Insulae Beli, on the island of Cres –

Here are two pages from the book.

griffon vulture comic stripOne of Roberto Guglielmi’s original black and white pen drawings.

Here is the English language version in full, which I translated but was never published.

[flipgorilla flipbook=’1′]

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Specially tailored eco-tourist holidays. Walking, cycling, climbing, day trips and more to experience the beautiful nature and heritage of the Cres and Lošinj islands. Apartment accommodation and airport transfers also available.

Doživite prirodnu ljepotu i baštinu otoka Cresa i Lošinja. Organiziramo cjelodnevne i poludnevne izlete i posjete napuštenim selima i crkvicama na Tramuntani (Beli), na Pernatu (Lubenice), Punta Križi, penjanje na Osoršćicu, i istraživanje otoka biciklima.