Članstvo u dhkp-u


08.09.2021 – Postao sam član dhkp-a.

Recenzija prijevoda kandidata Martina Mayhewa za članstvo u DHKP:

„Prijevod je sačinjen uspoređivanjem nekolicine izvornih verzija pripovjedaka. Postoji raniji prijevod izbora Kamovljevih priča…, a još je nekolicina priča objavljenih po književnim časopisima, ali je do sada Kamovljev opus bio relativno slabo dostupan čitateljima iz engleskog govornog područja, pa je ovaj novi prijevod dobrodošao. Kamovljeve se priče odlikuju duhovitošću, senzualnošću i jetkošću i Mayhewov prijevod vrlo uspješno dočarava i humor i ironiju i emotivna stanja autora. Iz njegovih popratnih tekstova vidi se da se prevoditelj sustavno bavio istraživanjem izvornih tekstova i autorova rječnika. Mayhew pokazuje istančan osjećaj za odabir prikladnih riječi i izraza i zorno prenosi čitatelju svoj entuzijazam za Kamova… Recenzent preporučuje prijam kandidata Martina Mayhewa u članstvo Društva hrvatskih književnih prevodilaca.

Moj profil: http://www.dhkp.hr/Drustvo/Clan/2891

On 8th September 2021 I became an official member of the Croatian Literary Translators Association after my collection of Kamov’s Farces & Novellas was positively reviewed for membership.

Farces & Novellas je dostupna na Modernist.hr, Amazonu i u mnogim knjižnicama.


House of the Halubje Bell Ringers

30th April 2024 finally saw the opening of the House of Halubje Bell Ringers in Viškovo. I am extremely proud to have been the sole English translator in this very special project since 2019. If you know about the zvončari – bellringers, then you’ll understand how important they are to the local people of this part of Croatia – so important so that they are protected by UNESCO.

The visitor centre is full of everything related to the bell ringers’ history, customs and costumes and the local culture and traditions. There are interactive installations, models, tools, costumes and there will be workshops, concerts and cultural events.

Attending the opening ceremony were local dignatories, mayors, organisers, and Croatia’s President Zoran Milanović. Of course there was a impressive, mass performance by the Halubje Bell Ringers themselves.

Kuća Halubajskega zvončara https://khz.hr/

Kuća Halubajskega zvončara – House of the Halubje Bell Ringers Facebook

Veli Jože in English

My English translation of Vladimir Nazor’s ‘Veli Jože’ has been published my Modernist d.o.o. from Varaždin. The book is an exact, faithful reproduction of the original 1908 edition and includes all the excellent illustrations by Saša Šantel.

To promote this edition myself and the editor from Modernist, Robertino Bartolec, presented the book to the pupils at the Vladimir Nazor Primary School in Motovun, where the story of Veli Jože takes place, in April 2024.

Along with a slideshow of Saša Šantel’s original illustrations the pupils asked us very interesting questions about the story, the characters and locations, etc. It was a lively discussion. There is more info on the school’s website here.

I am very grateful to the teachers and pupils and of course to Modernist for publishing the book which is now available on their website here and also for distributing it to the public libraries across Croatia.

Join the ‘Veli Jože in English’ Facebook group

The book is also available to buy on Amazon and most e-book outlets.

Lennon – opera by Ivo Josipović

Possibly the highlight of 2023 was working on Ivo Josipović‘s opera ‘Lennon’. As the proofreader I helped refine the text of the libretto written by Marina Biti and as a translator I translated most of the superb book that is included in this deluxe box set produced by Croatia Records.

The box set contains 2 CDs, 2 LPs, DVD, Blu Ray disc, a 64-GB USB that contains all the digital contents plus the super 88-page glossy, large format book with the libretto, essays, reviews and all the details of the stage production.

The opera was first publicly performed on 24th April 2023 at the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb and I was lucky enough to meet Croatia’s ex-president Ivo Josipović before the show.

The Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb was the venue for the first performance of Ivo Josipović’s opera ‘Lennon’
The performers take a bow at the end of the show.

The deluxe box set was launched by Croatia Records at the Croatian National Theatre on 8th December, 43 years after John Lennon’s murder in New York. I was very pleased to be invited and chatted with Mr Josipović after the dignitaries and media left.

It was a honour to be involved in such a prestigious project about one of my musical heroes and a global icon. I look forward to working with Croatia Records in the future.

Dubrovnik Museums Zbornik

The 5th edition of Zbornik Dubrovačkih muzeja celebrates the 150th anniversary of the Museums’ founding. This latest volume feature hundreds of articles, reviews, archaeological finds as well as the history and activities of each of the four Dubrovnik Museums throughout their 150 years.

Over 398 pages the book features lavish photographs of paintings, diagrams, letters, documents and previous publications by the Museums, as well as past and present archaeological digs, ground plans, illustrations and finds. It was a honour for me to provide the English translations for the majority of the summaries for each section in this impressive volume.

Publisher: Dubrovački muzeji 2022.
ISSN 1849-8876

Channel Islands trip article

In April 2002 I wrote an article for the then Motoring & Leisure magazine which was published monthly by the UK’s Civil Service Motoring Association.

Channel Your Energy!

Mention the Channel Islands to anyone and they’ll say immediately say “oh yes! Jersey is lovely, isn’t it?” but hold on a moment aren’t there other islands? Of course and recently I spent a few days investigating them – without the thought of going to Jersey.

Guernsey, the other well-known island near the French coast, has always played on its relationship with Jersey as being the more cultured, well-heeled, even exclusive of the pair. It does seem much quieter and reserved than Jersey, but I hadn’t come purely to make comparisons.

Arriving via air from London Gatwick (a swift 50 minutes) we headed for our hotel – The Duke Of Richmond in the capital, St Peter Port (https://dukeofrichmond.com/). Situated above the town and harbour it provided the ideal launch pad for our weekend away from the hustle and bustle. St Peter Port offers the visitor a chance to sample a snippet of continental life without actually stepping onto foreign soil – the islands even have their own versions of the pound. There are of course the influences throughout the Channel Islands, place and family names, but then again with a slight accent similar to that from the West Country.

So, our weekend began with a great seafood lunch at Vina’s we then walked along the harbour walls to Castle Cornet and visited the museum. As I was soon to realise, the islands were occupied, of course, by the Germans during World War Two and there are many museums and fortifications detailing their presence. We then spent the afternoon lazing on St Fermain beach, a beautiful quiet, sandy cove with a blue, crystal clear sea just a walk from St Peter Port. A perfect place to wind down, with just the sounds of waves gently lapping up the beach as we dozed – this was exactly what we had come for on our trip.

This peace was only broken by a mobile telephone call from an old friend of mine who once lived in the Channel Islands and had heard we were coming here. She enthusiastically told me that she had booked us a flight to the island of Alderney where some friends of hers had arranged a day’s cycling for us on the island. Great!

So early the next morning, after sampling a little of Guernsey’s friendly nightlife, and a chance meeting with the legendary punk group The Stranglers who were playing at the Beau Sejour Leisure Centre that evening (unfortunately I’d left my camera in our room) we took the Aurigny Airline’s 12-seater prop plane to the island. Alderney is only 3.5 miles long and 1.5 miles across, so we thought that cycling would be perfect. We were met at the airport by a guide who told us of the day’s adventure. We were to be joining another small group who had come for a Mystery Island Adventure. Sounded intriguing. Seems we were all encharged to foil a plot to destroy the island (cast by the evil Mr Nightshade) by solving several cryptic clues planted around the island. Our guides gave our group a single map and directions to the first destination, and from then on, we were on our own! We all quickly introduced ourselves and then sped off down the lane, in true Famous Five spirit!

Our first stop was the island’s library where our cryptic clue, lead us to a hollowed-out book containing even more mysterious directions and riddles. We had been told that we had to use place names as our main clues and so everyone took turns scouring the map for the next destination. We soon got the hang of it and began to enjoy the sites and sounds of the island trying to find the alleged bomb, which was ticking away. From one end of Alderney to the other we cycled, from Telegraph Bay via many little coves, cliff tops and historical landmarks to the lighthouse at Cat’s Bay, of course, stopping off for “lashings of lemonade and ginger beer!” It was here that we took a London Underground train – (yes that’s correct) – it was brought here after the Second World War intact and is probably the only such train working above ground, to wide sandy Braye Bay. Here we tackled our nemesis (the evil Mr Nightshade) Did we save the island? Well, that would be telling! A thoroughly good day’s outing was enjoyed by all.

The following day the two of us decided to spend our last day on the islands on one of the smallest, Herm. So small is it that there are no cars, only a handful of houses and as far as I could see only one tractor, what a beautiful place! We took the ferry from St Peter Port (only 20 minutes) and took a leisurely stroll around. The beaches are almost tropical, yellow sands scattered with shells and the water is crystal blue. We both agreed that this was one of the prettiest places we had ever been in the British Isles.

Alas, we could only stay for a couple of hours before returning to Guernsey and taking the flight back to the mainland. We had enjoyed a perfect relaxing weekend away whilst reliving some childhood adventures and memories… and the final clue to the riddle, did we save the island, well you have to visit for yourself!

Photographs by Martin Mayhew and Alderney Tourism


Alderney Tourism

Website: https://www.visitalderney.com/

Aurigny Air Services

Website: https://www.aurigny.com/#flight-search

Guernsey Travel Website: https://www.visitguernsey.com/